Coast Guard Veterans
The United States Coast Guard used asbestos, a deadly toxin, in shipyards, products, and cutters. Coast Guard Veterans could be at risk of developing mesothelioma. USCG Veterans exposed to asbestos may be eligible for VA benefits.

Mesothelioma and United States Coast Guard Veterans
After serving your country, you deserve to be cared for, too. Unfortunately, many Veterans and servicemembers developed mesothelioma and other related conditions due to their time serving their country. Veterans Affairs works to provide treatment, resources, and support for those that were diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases due to their service. U.S. Coast Guard Veterans could be at risk of developing mesothelioma. USCG Veterans exposed to asbestos may be eligible for VA benefits. USCG has one of the highest rates of mesothelioma diagnoses.
The Coast Guard serves to protect the US waterways and acts as the first responder on the water. Their six operational focuses include law enforcement, first response, safety and marine environmental protection, transportation system management, security operations, and defense operations. United States Coast Guard members and military Veterans may have been exposed to asbestos while working on bases, ships, and shipyards. This exposure to asbestos can lead to the development of mesothelioma and other health conditions.
Read on to learn more about your rights as a USCG Veteran diagnosed with lung cancer or mesothelioma.
Which Occupations Were Exposed to Asbestos?
Many branches of the military, like the army, have exposed Veterans to toxins. As a result, Veterans in the military and Navy are at risk for developing conditions such as lung cancer. Some USCG Veterans may have a higher risk of asbestos exposure than others. This is because some Coast Guard occupations worked more regularly with products that contained asbestos.
Coast Guard occupations with a higher risk of asbestos exposure include:
- Boilermakers
- Construction workers
- Electricians
- Engine specialists
- Hull technicians
- Insulators
- Machinists
- Mechanics
- Pipefitters
- Plumbers
- Ship personnel
- Shipyard workers
- Steamfitters
- Technicians
- Welders
- Woodworkers
These workers were at a higher risk for conditions like lung cancer, mesothelioma, and pulmonary fibrosis as they came in contact with asbestos products. Asbestos products used by mesothelioma Coast Guard victims include:
- Adhesive
- Brake pads
- Ceiling tiles
- Cement on pipes, boilers, and tanks
- Electrical wiring
- Fireproofing materials
- Floor tiles
- Gaskets
- Insulation
- Lagging
- Outdoor siding
- Pipe lagging
- Roofing
- Surfacing material
- Thermal insulation
- Valves
Were you in the Coast Guard? Fill out a complimentary case evaluation form today.
Mesothelioma Treatment for Coast Veterans
Although the military no longer uses asbestos, there are many Veterans affected by asbestos. This toxin led to the development of mesothelioma in many Veterans. Veterans with illnesses caused by their time in service are supported by Veterans Affairs (VA). The VA works hard to provide medical centers, support groups, and payments to those affected by service-related conditions. Recently, the VA has extended coverage for Veterans and their dependents through monumental legislation such as the Honoring Our PACT Act, updated VA Disability, and the Veteran Families Health Services Act.
It can be intimidating to find lung cancer treatment near you, which is why the VA offers treatment across the US. Veterans and their loved ones can access Coast Guard VA benefits by accessing treatment through medical centers near them. Some of the best VA hospitals for cancer treatment include:
- Atlanta VA Health Care System
- Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center
- VA Boston Health Care System
- VA Palo Alto Health Care System
- Orlando VA Medical Center
- Albany Stratton VA Medical Center
- Miami VA Healthcare System
- VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System
Coast Guard Veterans Filing for Compensation
If you are a Veteran experiencing service-related illnesses, you are probably experiencing frustration and confusion. Unfortunately, many Veterans pass from their VA-related condition before justice can be served. If you are a loved one of a Veteran experiencing loss, you also deserve compensation and support for wrongful death.
Veterans could receive disability for mesothelioma and lung cancer if their conditions were caused by their time in service. However, applying for VA benefits can be complicated and overwhelming. Lung Cancer Center can assist Veterans and their loved ones alike in applying for VA benefits and finding high-quality treatment.
Allow our knowledgeable lawyers to help you navigate through signs and symptoms, benefits, claims, compensation, and treatment services. Get in touch with the Lung Cancer Center team today.
Coast Guard Cutters Containing Asbestos
The Coast Guard refers to its commissioned vessels as “cutters.” Most cutters are more than 200 feet in length and carry products, people, boats, and helicopters. There were specific US Coast Guard Cutters that contained or used chrysotile asbestos. The list of Coast Guard Cutters with asbestos includes:
- WHEC-374 | USCGC Absecon
- WMEC-618 | USCGC Active
- WMEC-167 | USCGC Acushnet
- WMEC-630 | USCGC Alert
- WHEC-68 | USCGC Androscoggin
- WHEC-381 | USCGC Barataria
- WHEC-382 | USCGC Bering Strait
- WPG-31 | USCGC Bibb
- WHEC-719 | USCGC Boutwell
- WPG-32 | USCGC Campbell
- WHEC-370 | USCGC Casco
- WHEC-383 | USCGC Castle Rock
- WHEC-718 | USCGC Chase
- WHEC-41 | USCGC Chautauqua
- WHEC-375 | USCGC Chincoteague
- WMEC-619 | USCGC Confidence
- WHEC-384 | USCGC Cook Inlet
- WHEC-376 | USCGC Coos Bay
- WMEC-622 | USCGC Courageous
- WHEC-716 | USCGC Dallas
- WMEC-624 | USCGC Dauntless
- WMEC-629 | USCGC Decisive
- WMEC-626 | USCGC Dependable
- WHEC-385 | USCGC Dexter
- WMEC-616 | USCGC Diligence
- WPG-33 | USCGC Duane
- WMEC-628 | USCGC Durable
- WHEC-64 | USCGC Escanaba
- WMEC-6 | USCGC Escape
- WHEC-721 | USCGC Gallatin
- WHEC-387 | USCGC Gresham
- WPG-45 | USCGC Haida
- WHEC-378 | USCGC Half Moon
- WHEC-715 | USCGC Hamilton
- WPG-34 | USCGC Hamilton
- WHEC-372 | USCGC Humboldt
- WPG-35 | USCGC Ingham
- WHEC-43 | USCGC Iroquois
- WHEC-725 | USCGC Jarvis
- WHEC-66 | USCGC Klamath
- WHEC-373 | USCGC Mackinac
- WHEC-371 | USCGC Matagora
- WHEC-386) | USCGC McCulloch
- WHEC-717 | USCGC Mellon
- WHEC-69 | USCGC Mendota
- WHEC-726 | USCGC Midgett
- WHEC-67 | USCGC Minnetonka
- WPG-46 | USCGC Modoc
- WPG-47 | USCGC Mojave
- WHEC-70 | USCGC Morgenthau
- WHEC-724 | USCGC Munro
- WHEC-39 | USCGC Owasco
- WHEC-70 | USCGC Pontchartrain
- WMEC-615 | USCGC Reliance
- WMEC-620 | USCGC Resolute
- WHEC-377 | USCGC Rockaway
- WHEC-723 | USCGC Rush
- WHEC-42 | USCGC Sebago
- WHEC-720 | USCGC Sherman
- WPG-36 | USCGC Spencer
- WMEC-623 | USCGC Steadfast
- WPG-48 | USCGC Tampa
- WPG-37 | USCGC Taney
- WHEC-379 | USCGC Unimak
- WMEC-621 | USCGC Valiant
- WMEC-625 | USCGC Venturous
- WMEC-617 | USCGC Vigilant
- WMEC-627 | USCGC Vigorous
- WHEC-44 | USCGC Wachusett
- WHEC-40 | USCGC Winnebago
- WHEC-65 | USCGC Winona
- WHEC-380 | USCGC Yakutat
- WMEC-168 | USCGC Yocona
For more information, fill out a free case evaluation form today.