Madeline May has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. Madeline has dedicated her career to assisting others and providing relevant and helpful information to those battling cancers such as mesothelioma.
Ohio Asbestos Bill That Could Affect People with Mesothelioma
By Madeline May |
Learn how Ohio’s Senate Bill 63 introduces new legal challenges for mesothelioma victims seeking justice for asbestos exposure and discover what these changes mean for asbestos lawsuits and how they may impact veterans, families, and workers across the state.
Smoking can pose a severe threat to a person's lungs, making it difficult to breathe and function. Smoking can increase the risk of numerous conditions like smoker lung. Learn about the symptoms and treatments for smoker lungs.
The act of coughing up blood, also known as hemoptysis, is a common side effect of lung cancer and other respiratory illnesses. The sight of blood can be alarming, but luckily there are resources and treatments available to those with symptoms.
5 Tips to Navigate Secondhand Smoke Living with a Smoker
By Madeline May |
It is known that secondhand smoke harms those around a smoker. However, many people are still affected by secondhand smoke. How should someone navigate the trickiness associated with living with a smoker?
The life expectancy of lung cancer is influenced by variables such as cancer type, age, and stage. Stage 3 is considered an advanced stage of lung cancer, but can still be treated and survived.
Lung cancer patients are often diagnosed during the advanced stages, such as stage 4. This late diagnosis often impacts a patient's treatment options and survival rate.
In Part 2 of our 2023 September 11th Blog series, we examine the devastating events of 9/11 that had long-lasting effects on those who were present during the attacks and the aftermath. One of the most significant consequences is the exposure to asbestos, which has led to the development of life-threatening diseases such as mesothelioma and lung cancer among first responders and nearby citizens.
In Part 1 of our 2023 September 11th Blog series, we examine how the World Trade Center affected New York residents even before the September 11 attacks.
Turkey tail mushrooms are a type of wild mushroom that has gained popularity in the medical world due to its numerous benefits for cancer patients and the general population.
It's important to be proactive when it comes to your health. Understanding the top 5 signs of mesothelioma could help you get an early diagnosis and increase your chances of recovery. Take control of your well-being and learn more about this condition today.
Exposure to asbestos filter cigarettes can cause lung cancer and many other health conditions. Learn more about Kent Micronite crocidolite asbestos filters and the other brands of asbestos cigarettes, the associated risk factors, and the legal options you have.
Clinical trials provide options for those diagnosed with severe conditions such as mesothelioma and lung cancer. We gathered five new lung cancer and mesothelioma clinical trials accepting patients in 2023.
The top 5 most deadly cancers among men and women include lung cancer, mesothelioma, colon cancer, breast cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Learn more about the deadliest cancers, their treatment options, and their causes.
A Juul vape settlement with over 10,000 plaintiffs is said to total $1.7 billion. Discover if Juuls can cause lung cancer and what treatment options are available.
Pulmonary fibrosis affects those who work in asbestos-related industries as well as their loved ones. Discover six things you should know about pulmonary fibrosis.
Toxic chemicals contaminated Camp Lejeune's primary water source until 1988, exposing thousands of Camp Lejeune citizens. Throughout the years, many Camp Lejeune residents developed serious conditions due to the contaminated water. Toxic water victims may be eligible to file a Camp Lejeune disease suit.
Akron, Ohio served as the nation's "Rubber Capital of the World" for decades, producing more than one-third of America's rubber products. However, the rubber industry's legacy extended beyond its products. Many workers and patrons were negligently exposed to harmful chemicals the rubber industry used.
Cancer caregiver support is vital as the role can be physically and mentally tolling. We provide tips on caring for your loved ones and yourself that you can apply through the ups and downs of caregiving.
When lung cancer develops into stage 3, it has begun to spread beyond the original site. Medical professionals refer to this period as an advanced stage of lung cancer. Many people wonder though - is stage 3 lung cancer curable?
Small cell lung cancer is a specific type of lung cancer that forms within a patient's lungs. Medical professionals utilize several tests and procedures to properly diagnose SCLC. After diagnosing cancer, patients will work with their doctors to determine treatment options and their prognosis.
Life expectancy and survival rates provide lung cancer patients with valuable information about their future. The life expectancy for those with stage 4 lung cancer varies depending on factors such as type and treatment.
It has been proven that there are associations between smoking and lung cancer - but does that apply to vaping e-cigarettes, too? Learn more about what you are inhaling and the side effects of vaping e-cigarettes.