Thank you for reaching out to Lung Cancer Center, a nationwide resource focused on educating families and patients about lung cancer. Since 2020, we’ve helped people affected by cancers battle their diagnosis by providing answers to tough questions about treatment, costs, and compensation. We partner with one of the United States’ most experienced law firms and have established relationships with some of the nation’s most renowned treatment specialists. If you or your loved one are in need of medical and financial assistance due to a lung cancer or mesothelioma diagnosis related to negligence, you may be entitled to financial compensation.

What to Expect After Contacting Us?

This is an illustration of a patient who has been treated with palliative care.

Your Story:

One of the experienced patient advocates will reach out to you to learn more about you, your history, and answer any questions you may have about Lung Cancer, Mesothelioma, or any other related diseases

This is an icon representing mesothelioma statute of limitations.

Your Options:

After making contact, our team of experts will help you access financial compensation whether that’s through a wrongful death lawsuit, settlement, asbestos trust fund, or a VA claim.

This is an icon of a hospital.

Your Treatment:

Through our established networking group of medical specialists, our Patient Advocate team will discuss connecting you with the top doctors and medical centers in the area.

Not ready to reach out? Learn more about who is eligible for legal compensation.

Are You Eligible?