Destiny Bezrutczyk is a Content Writer from west Iowa. She is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and has earned a Bachelor’s in English Language and Literature from Texas Tech University. After working as a freelance script and blog writer, she began writing content for tech startups. Maintaining a passion for words, she took on a variety of projects where her writing could help people. She enjoys spicy food and video games about robots.
COVID-19 Problems for Cancer Patients
By Destiny Bezrutczyk |
COVID-19 has created new problems in health care for people with cancer and survivors. Old risks have also returned for missed cancer diagnoses.
Losing a loved one to cancer can be as traumatic as it is unexpected. The grieving process can’t be rushed or skipped. Keep reading to learn 5 ways to move on after a family member’s death.
Vape pens and e-cigarettes have become a common smoking device used to inhale flavored aerosols packed with nicotine, THC, and other chemicals. Research shows that the use of vape pens lead to symptoms directly related to lung disease.
Mesotheliomas are a rare type of cancer caused by asbestos exposure. They can grow in the lining of the abdominal cavity, around the heart, and the lining surrounding the lungs. Too, exposure can cause lung cancer. The nearness of these cancerous growths and similarity in symptoms may lead people to question if mesothelioma is a type of lung cancer.